
Postural Rehabilitation

Your posture can have a tremendous effect on your overall health and wellness.

By maintaining proper posture, you're placing the least amount of strain on the muscles and ligaments you use every day. By reducing the amount of stress on the body, muscles can work more efficiently, ligaments become less likely to tear, and your bones and joints become aligned properly. Poor posture can lead to excessive strain on the muscles, joints and ligaments, impairing mobility and increasing the likelihood of injury.

Through the proper exercises and technique, our staff can help you improve your posture. At Bel-Ray Wellness Center, our postural rehabilitation program is an integrative, science-based approach to alleviating chronic stress related problems and preventing musculoskeletal injury. Using a variety of techniques and technology, we perform an initial posture assessment and spinal exam in order to create a customized postural correction program for each individual patient. This program is unique to each patient based on their needs and activities, and provides postural exercises and stretches that help alleviate the daily stresses on the body.

Through postural rehabilitation, you can experience the valuable benefits that come from reducing strain on your body, as well as the confidence and happiness our patients experience as their health and wellness improves.

Schedule a consultation with us and begin your journey toward better posture today.